Friday, August 27, 2010

Bad with the Good

Well I have always made my boys Birthday cakes.  You may have seen some of the pictures from other cakes I have made from a previous post.  Well with my oldest turning 11 I had this great idea in my head...for sports.  Well needless to say the cake had a mind of its own...
The cake split in the pan, so I was trying to fix it and piece it back together. Well let's just say I was so disappointed in it I shoved it down the garbage disposal.  So at 7pm the night before his birthday I go buy more cake mix and icing and had to change my plans, even the cake pans.

This was the final product and he LOVED it. 
I may not have been happy with the turnout but he was
thrilled and that was all that mattered...HE LOVED IT!


  1. Your final cakes turned out great. I hate when my cakes mess frustrating! But the round ones look awesome!
